Vice-Chancellor's Message
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali
The University of the Punjab is not only the Flagship University of Pakistan but also enjoys the coveted and prestigious honor of being one of the oldest Universities in the sub-continent. The impressive dedication with which it fulfills its commitment to the nation by providing dynamic manpower in every walk of life is nothing short of folklore. We carry on with the tradition to expand the frontiers of knowledge by introducing new programs according to the changing needs of the market to meet the requirements of our country.
The Institute of Business and Information Technology, originally established as Centre for Management Sciences was set up to provide the students a solid base in the fields of business management and information technology. This Institute follows a strict merit based policy to induct top of the line students and provides them quality training compatible with the modern needs. The Institute will also act as a platform for the practicing managers to share their knowledge and wisdom with the students. The interactive liaison with the industry will be a priority at the Institute. With this conductive learning environment, we plan to make this Institute a hallmark of excellence.
Information Technology Professionals are modernizing, the very method of managing businesses, the world over and Pakistan is no exception. We are witnessing the entire scenario of business practices being changed. The IT revolution has reduced the time frame, while enhancing the quality of services. The businessmen as well as the managers are required to be more productive and efficient to meet the challenges of modern business. The plan is to incorporate all tools of information technology in the curriculum to achieve managerial excellence in potential professionals. We wish to strengthen our society economically by increasing its productivity. To this end our faculty is striving to impart highly sophisticated and rewarding professional training to our assets, the Students.
Those parents and students, who trust and believe in University of the Punjab’s century old tradition of quality education, should look for the Institute of Business and Information Technology as an optimum solution to ever increasing costs of quality education. International Quality education at local economical disbursement with a global perspective is what Institute of Business and Information Technology is all about. Institute of Business Information Technology is definitely realty of Pakistani dream. I urge you to consider Institute of Business and Information Technology while making the most important decision about your future and that of Pakistan.
May ALLAH be with you.
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