Campus :: Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Program Coordinators are available to provide administrative, academic, research, and student development guidance to the students for effective learning. The program coordinators are thoroughly familiar with the above mentioned responsibilities at the same time they are available for the coordination and facilitation regarding student mentoring. They maintain, evaluate and improve various administrative and academic processes of the Institute to ensure top class quality through guidance, orientation, and facilitation.

Semester Sytem at IBIT

  • There shall be two semesters (Fall & Spring) in an academic year.
  • Each semester shall be of 18 working weeks – sixteen weeks for teaching, one or two weeks for examinations.
  • During the summer break, the institute may offer summer session of 8 weeks with subject of its choice which will provide opportunity to students who have failed or have withdrawn from a course and those who wish to improve their GPA to qualify to the next semester. A maximum of 8 credit hour courses will be offered during summer semester by the Institute.
  • The contact hours during the summer session will be doubled to ensure that the course is fully covered in a summer session with half of the duration compared to a regular (Fall or Spring) semester.

Total Period of Study

  • The normal duration of BBIT degree is Four Years.
  • In case of valid reasons /excuse the period of study will be extended for two additional years (Four Semesters) in all above said three programs. The students who will not complete studies within stated periods shall be struck off from the rolls of the Institute. The students who have been given the right to extend the duration of study for additional two years must register and pay tuition fees for the years. The students who extend their course of study beyond four years shall not be entitled to avail any facility like hostel, transport and medical which university extends to its regular students.

Course Credits of 4 Years Bachelors

  • A minimum 130 credits are required for the 4 Years Bachelors (Hons.) degree program. The said credit shall normally be earned in eight semesters.
  • The minimum number of contact hours in a course will be 15 per semester for one credit hour course.
  • A course may range from one credit hour to four credit hours.
  • One credit hour stands for at least one hour class contact per week per semester. For practical/laboratory work 3 hours shall be considered equivalent to one credit hour.
  • Six (06) credit hours Research Project (dissertation)/ Project report/ Internship/ Special paper will be offered in the fourth year.

Course Description

Course contents, if revised, shall be approved by the faculty of the Institute. The teacher concerned will be responsible for determining the details of the course.

Courses for the 4 years Bachelors (Hons.) Program will be numbered and codified as follows:

  • All courses given in the first year (1st & 2nd semesters) will be designated by 100.
  • All courses given in the second year (3rd & 4th semesters) will be designated by 200.
  • All courses given in the third year (5th & 6th semesters) will be designated by 300.
  • All courses given in the four year (7th & 8th semesters) will be designated by 400.

The institute shall decide its own compulsory, core/minor, major and elective subjects. The courses offered by the Institute will be announced with a short description of each course along with time, day, classroom, name of the teacher, semester and credit hours.

Grading System

  • Equivalence in numerical grades, letter grades and grade points will be as follows:
Percent Marks Letter Grade Grade Points
85 & above A 4.00
80-84 A- 3.70
75-79 B+ 3.30
70-74 B 3.00
65-69 B- 2.70
61-64 C+ 2.30
58-60 C 2.00
55-57 C- 1.70
50-54 D 1.00
Below 50 F 0.00
Withdrawal W  
Incomplete I  
  • Maximum possible Grade Point Average is 4.00
  • Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average for obtaining 4 years Bachelors (Hons.) is 2.00
  • A fraction of mark in a course is to be counted as ‘1’ mark e.g. 64.1 or 64.9 is to be shown as 65.

Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) for a semester

In order to calculate the GPA, multiply Grade Point with the Credit Hours in each Course to obtain total grade points, add up to cumulative Grade Points and divide by the total numbers of Credit Hours to get the GPA for the semester.

Course with ‘F’ will be counted as ‘Zero’ Grade Point for calculation of semester Grade Point Average. Calculation of cumulative grade point average will only be made when a candidate has passed all the courses required for the award of degree.

  • The percentage of marks or values of grades other than given grade points should not be reported on the transcripts.


If the student obtains a grade A in four credit hours course of  “Introduction to Programming Concepts” , the grade points for that course would be: 4 (Credit hours for Programming Concepts) x 4 (grade points for A)=16 Grade Points. Continue in this manner for all letter graded courses you have taken and then add the number of grade points you have completed. Finally, divide total grade points earned by total credit hours earned.

GPA = Total Grade Points earned
         Total Credit Hours earned

No Course description Letter Grade Grade Points Course Credit Hours Total Grade Points
      x y x * y
1 Business Organization & Management A 4.00 3 12
2 English Composition A- 3.70 3 11.1
3 Introduction to Programming Concepts B 3.00 4 12
4 Principles of Accounting D 1.00 3 3
  Total     13 38.1

GPA in the semester = 38.1/13   = 2.93

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the Grade Point Average for the entire work at any given period of time. It is calculated in the same manner as above except the calculation will be done on the basis of all the courses completed in all the semesters at any specific period of time.


Method of Calculation of Final CGPA

  • Student must have earned the prescribed number of credits required for the 4 years Bachelors (Hons.) degree i.e. a minimum of 130 credits.
  • The Cumulative Grade Points of each semester will be added to obtain grand total and then divide the grand total by total no. of credits of the courses studied. The resulting figure will represent the CGPA secured by a candidate. The CGPA will be reported upto two decimals but for the determination of merit position CGPA will be calculated upto any decimal.
  • The students obtaining CGPA of 3.70 or above will be declared eligible for role of honors.
  • For the award of Gold Medal or some other award(s), the 1st position will be calculated on CGPA basis of the whole course.
  • For award of Gold Medal, roll of honors and all other distinctions of Punjab University, a student must have passed all the examinations at least in B grade, in the first attempt.

Attendance Policy

  • IBIT requires a student to have an EIGHTY FIVE (85) percent presents in each course, to obtain a passing grade.
  • However, in case of unforeseen/exceptional circumstances (e.g., accident / death of father, mother, real sister/ brother etc.), the Director can relax the requirement to EIGHTY (80) percent.
Summary of Attendance Requirement In % age In Number *
Classes in each Semester 100% 32
Attendance Required 85% 27
Absents allowed for unforeseen circumstances beyond student control 15% 5
Attendance Required (Including exceptional circumstances) 80% 25
Absents allowed (Including exceptional circumstances) 20% 7

*Applicable to all courses with approximations.

  • Leave Form must be submitted for any planned absence with parent’s/guardian’s approval - Leave is NOT Present.
  • The teacher concerned will display the list of the students who don’t fulfill requirement of attendance at least one day before the examination week and such student shall not be allowed to appear in the final test of the course.
  • At the end of each month the teacher concerned shall send, to the head of the Institute, a statement giving the total number of lectures delivered and practicals conducted by him/her together with the number of lectures and practicals attended by each student.
  • In case the student remains absent from the class for seven consecutive lecture without leave his/her name shall be removed from the rolls.
  • The student having class attendance less than 85% in a particular course will be required to repeat the course when it is offered again.

Students are advised to attend all (100%) classes in each subject. Absents allowed for unforeseen circumstances is a facility to accommodate inherent human limitations and should ONLY be utilized under very severe unavoidable situations.  

Probation & Expulsion Rules

  1. At the end of the each semester a student must obtain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 to be promoted to the next semester.
  2. In case a student is able to obtain GPA of 1.70 or more but less than 2.00 except first semester where GPA of 1.50 or more but less than 2.0, he/she will be promoted to the next semester on probation (1st probation). If the student does not achieve desired CGPA 2.0 but obtain CGPA greater than or equal to 1.7 will go to 2nd (last) probation. The candidate, who fails to secure 1.50 GPA in the first semester or 1.70 CGPA in the subsequent semesters, shall stand automatically dropped from the rolls.
  3. At the end of the each semester (from second semester to the second last semester), a student must obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 for promotion to the next semester. Every student will have the right to avail probation twice in the following semester.
  4. A student has to obtain CGPA 2.00 in the last semester of BBIT (4 years) program for the award degree.
  5. In the third, fifth, seventh, ninth semester a student will be required to repeat those courses of the first, third, fifth and or seventh semesters in which he/she had failed.
  6. In the fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth semester, a student will be required to repeat those courses of the second, fourth, sixth and/or eighth semester in which he had failed.
  7. If a student gets D grade(s), he/she can repeat the course(s) when offered to improve his/her grade(s). The student who completes all courses and interested to improve D grade(s) he/she shall be allowed to improve D grade(s) within the allowable period i.e. two years (4 semesters).
  8. A student, who completes all the courses and has not been required to repeat any course(s), obtains CGPA less than 2.00 but not less than 1.90 at the end of the 8th semester in case of 4 years Bachelors may be allowed to repeat 12 credit hour courses (varying from 2 to 4 credit hours) in which he/she had obtained the lowest grades in order to improve the CGPA so as to obtain the minimum of 2.00 CGPA failing which he/she shall not be awarded degree and removed from the rolls of the Department/Centre/Institute/College.
  9. In case a student repeats the course(s) for the improvement of grade(s) which he/she has already taken, the better of the two grades of the course(s) will be counted for CGPA calculations.

Record Keeping

IBIT will keep academic record of each student for two semesters only. After which the academic record will be destroyed and IBIT will not be responsible for any liability.